Welcome To The C@ML Imagineer Portal - Pavilion Campus

Hello, C@ML Imagineers and welcome! This blog will be a resource to you for collaboration and communication with your fellow team members. In this forum, our ideas and progress will be visible to all in order to assist the team as we pursue our current and upcoming projects. At times you will be asked to participate in the processes of conception (the birth of an idea), brainstorming (the refining of an idea), execution (the timely completion of an idea), and fruition (sustaining ideas that bear fruit).

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Please leave your comments and responses to the posts no matter how silly or simple they may seem. Remember, while not every idea can be used, most great ideas are achieved through the collaboration of many good ideas. So, take it light and have fun sharing!

We look forward to hearing from you:)

Matt Shaffer -
Experience Director (Pavilion Campus)

Thursday, February 4, 2010

2010 February Mission - Tables in Foyer

In February, our mission is to re-design our presentation tables in the foyer (the Growth Track table, Revolve Student table, and the SOAP table [which will be used for different events throughout the year]).  Here a couple of guidelines we want to achieve or avoid:

  1. We want all 3 to achieve a uniformity of design, while allowing room for each ministry to implement their own revolving creative ideas for presenting their ministry for months to come.
  2. Let us target our suggestive budgets @ $200 or less per table.
  3. We want to avoid permanent fixture (i.e.- sheet-rocked, wrap around wall with electrical outlets run)
  4. We want our foyer to look CLEAN-INDUSTRIAL & BUSINESS MODERN using our Information Table and Kid's Check-In Table as a reference.
Please take this weekend to digest these thoughts.  On Sunday, when you walk in the front doors of the foyer, try to gain some perspective on this mission by intentionally noticing the tables.  This will help us design a well attractive item that draws the attention of any first-time guest.

Please have your ideas submitted by end of day next Tuesday.  Subscribe for it today if you have not already.  Feel free to post drawings, ideas, or whatever! 

1 comment:

  1. Just saying hi so you know I am thinking on it. LOL. Strugling with a fresh Idea on this.


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